Active School Flag
More Schools, More Active More Often
Active School Flag Slogan Competition Winners Matilda, Bim, Emily and Ezrah
About the Active School Flag (ASF): It is an initiative in Ireland designed to encourage physical activity in primary schools. Schools that participate in this initiative work towards achieving a physically active and health-promoting environment by integrating physical activity into the daily routine. It involves the entire school community working together to foster lifelong healthy habits and improve students’ overall well-being.
Active School Gallery
Why we chose to participate in the Active School Flag (ASF):
Enhance Physical Literacy: Help to develop fundamental movement skills and confidence which are essential for lifelong participation in physical activity.
Improved Focus in Lessons: Increased physical activity has been shown to enhance students’ concentration and focus on the classroom, leading to better academic performance.
Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Participation will support students’ physical health, reducing the risk of obesity and related illnesses, and promoting mental well-being through being active.
Fostering a Positive School Environment: The initiative encourages a whole-school approach, involving teachers, students, and parents in creating a more active, vibrant and positive school culture.
Activities we have engaged in/encouraged so far and upcoming events:
Run Around Europe: The whole school accumulated the distance in kilometers to 4 different European cities.
Gymnastics: 2nd and 3rd Class participated in Gymnastics training with….. for ……..
Movement breaks: All Classes across the school are encouraged to participate in regular movement breaks throughout the school day in whatever way they please.
Basketball training: 2nd – 3rd Class participated in Basketball training with….. for ……..
Active Schools Week: This is the biggest event of the ASF calendar. Teachers will be encouraged to find ways to engage in all subjects in a more physically active way. Students will be given a voice and influence into the Active Schools Week Planning.
Walkway around the school: Walkway/running route around the perimeter of the school grounds. It will be used to energise the school day, support physical education and promote active learning.